Under 12s
It has been a very successful year for the under 12s. We maintained our panel of 28 boys (losing and gaining some on the way).
Each boy has grown in ability (and height!) and they are now getting the concept of using the width of the pitch and not going on solo runs all the time.
We have participated in a number of Blitz’s and everyone is looking forward to playing 15 aside next year, being on the full pitch, having proper referees and taking on these new challenges.

This year our team building trip is going European and we are taking the boys to Toulouse in May for 4 days to play 3 French teams. We have 23 boys going and a tour party of 55 including parents and coaches.
There is a jam packed itinerary and we hope it will be a good opportunity for the boys to build Friendships (as well as the parents) and for them to grow their love of rugby and cement their relationship with Suttonians RFC for years to come.
Team Manager: Jenni Barry Duke Ryan (086) 241 9213